Government Departments

The Department of Human Resources

Employed NEG temporary workers to assist with documentation of all NEG events, assist DHR payroll with the increased NEG payroll, and assist with the WIA increased case load, especially in anticipation of participants transitioning from NEG to WIA at the end of NEG Phase 1 activities.

The Department of Treasury: Payroll and Disbursing Divisions

NEG temporary workers were hired as file clerks to provide the time and person-power to allow these divisions to absorb the extra work created by the influx of over 2,000 workers.

The Department of Legal Affairs’ Territorial Registrar Office

Hired a clerk typist and administrative assistant from the NEG program to help facilitate the restoration of the pre-disaster operational level of the bank, which included continued cleaning of the office setting, preservation of files, and restoration of the computer network system

The Department of Public Works

Deployed NEG participants throughout the Department's various divisions, including administration/finance, civil highway, building, heavy equipment operator, road maintenance, architecture and engineering, maintenance and operations, survey, plumbing, tools and supplies, electric shop, and security

The Office of the Public Defender

Hired a receptionist from the NEG program to fill in for staff assisting with clean-up efforts in the own village, and a computer-internet technician to cover their needs while the office normally responsible for computer support turned their attention to assisting the Emergency Operations Center

The Office of Procurement

Hired NEG participants to identify, inventory, inspect and survey, record and maintain government assets damaged by the tsunami

The Legislature of American Samoa

Temporary NEG workers were hired to help restore the Fono to its pre-Tsunami state. The Fono NEG Administrator reported that while the focus of the work assignments was disaster-oriented duties and responsibilities, staff noticed the talents and skills possessed by the young participants and made an effort to nurture these skills by allowing participants to work in other divisions of the Legislature, including the President and Speaker's offices, Legislative Reference Bureau and the Legislative Financial Office

The Department of Legal Affairs: Immigration Office

Hired NEG participants for the positions of clerk typist and administrative assistant to complement existing staff in restoring the department to pre-disaster operational level

The Department of Homeland Security

Hired temporary workers to assist with tent distribution and set-up demonstration

The Territorial Office of Fiscal Reform

Engaged NEG participants: one as an administrative assistant, another as file clerk and third as a construction manager apprentice


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